Sunday, September 22, 2013

Food: Where It Comes from

Pollan explains how, even though we may non be feeding corn directly, we atomic number 18 ingesting in in nigh all(prenominal) food we eat. Corn has made its way into al closely both aspect of the industrial sectors meals, including: high-fructose corn sirup (HFCS), xanthan gum, the feed that is fed to livestock, and even the 10% ethanol mixed with the gasoline in your vehicle to get you to the fast-food restaurant. He states that since 1985, Americans argon eating over 20 much(prenominal) pounds of HFCS per year. The close for the increase in poor eating habits and fleshiness is most probably caused by several diametrical factors. He claims that Americans atomic number 18 experiencing a change in life-style by creation increasingly more sedentary, increase marketing of unhealthy foods, and diets with increased fats, carbohydrates, and processed foods. He besides points surface two other interesting facts regarding weight chance on: affluence and poverty. T he more affluent people are, the more potential they are to buy a high-fat Western diet; however, the more impoverished people are, reduces their likelihood of being able to purchase more expensive healthy, natural foods. The second section describes the raw(a) aspect of food production, specifically discussing organic farming. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
Pollan explains how there are two different types of organic farming today: a large-scale organic method and a small-scale pastoral organic method. He explains how the largest players in the large-scale organic are Whole Foods Markets, Cascadian Farms, and Earthbound Farms tend to reverse monocu lture, which means they sole(prenominal) gr! ow one crop at a time. heretofore though these institutions do not use pesticides, fertilizers, or other damaging chemicals on their crops, they still run the risk of their crops not being able to fight certain diseases since they are endlessly in the same spot each year. Crops that are rotated every year are able to become liberal to different types of bacteria and viruses. Another point that he makes is almost the get of compost these...If you want to get a broad essay, dictate it on our website:

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