Saturday, September 21, 2013

Victorian Era Woman

The Victorian Woma A History of Women in the United States Named after Queen Victoria who ruled England during the same time, the Victorian succession in the United states was a time period in which women began to push the limits of society and take control into their hands. Unlike historic period past, on that point were major changes in for women socially, domestically, and politically. It was in this era that rights were pick outed, health check attention did more vituperate than good, women would go to great lengths for beauty, and on that point were sets of rules for what was considered to be socially acceptable in different situations. These women took their lives and rights in to their own hands, and demand change. After all that women had gained during the civil war, many were fearful that these rights would be taken away. Women such as Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Sumner did their shell to see that that was not t he case. In 1863, they gathered over 400,000 signatures in support of magnanimous women and freed people the right to pick out. They were turned raze and told that it would impede on the constitutional rights of freedmen and the amendment would fail. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
Anthony and Stanton then went out and quiet 10,000 signatures to change the fourteenth amendment, but senator Sumner refused to submit it. The women then went to Kansas to commove womens sufferage on the state ballot, but attempts were unsuccessful. In another(prenominal) extreme attempt, women went and attempted to vote in 1872. In 1869, the lone(prenominal) hope of womens sufferage was out western United States in ! the Wyoming territory, where women were allowed rival franchise. By the 1890s the NWSA (National Womens Sufferage Assocation), AWSA (American Womens Sufferage Association), AND NAWSA (National American Womens Sufferage Association) all merged together and arrive at one gravid force. In the tail end of the nineteenth century, major changes took stop in the United States, such as the industrial revolution. Politically, there had only been two...If you want to get a full essay, tell apart it on our website:

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