Friday, January 18, 2019

Is It Okay to Cry at Work

What factors do you think make ab bulge organizations unproductive at managing sensations? Firstly, I think that the complex human thinking is wiz of the factors that make the organizations bad to manage the emotions. Every person has his or her induce emotions. Although in a same situation, they may non act in the same way. Thus, the organizations face difficulties when they argon dealing with their employees. This problem is even decent worse when the organisation is very large and contains many employees from different background.Furthermore, the function of an organisation some clocks unwraps out they themselves bathnot confine their own emotions as intumesce. Besides, receivable to the business culture and etiquette which are still remain poorly in some of the organisations, it becomes a problem for the organisations to manage the emotions effectively. Some of the organisations have not practised the sufficient business culture. For example, they will yell and shou t at the employees when things go wrong just like the second case mentioned.This shows that some of the organisations still do not concern to manage the emotions effectively. Moreover, emotions are reflex(a) physiological responses to the environment. It will be very hard for one to control his or her emotions by screen their true feelings within their heart. It revealed automatically. Even throng that are trying to cover their true emotions can be observed from their facial expression. Thus, this is not the fault that the organisations cannot manage the emotions effectively.This is because it is not an easy call on to control the emotions of whole organisations. 2. Do you think the strategic use and boasting of emotions serve to protect employees, or does covering your true emotions at work at lead to more problems than it solves? By covering ones emotions can sometimes ensure a work to be done perfectly. However, people that are always covering their own emotions will alwa ys find themselves in a stressful situation and they are very hard to communicate with others.Consequently, that kind of people can be easily bilk and lose their confidence in their business organisations. Problems such as unsatisfied towards the jobs, depression, commencement job performance and so on will then arise. At the end, it occasions more problems than what it wants to solve at first. Through the strategic use and intro of emotions, the employees can express their emotions in a manner way. They have to make out the ways to control their emotions even though they are working in a nasty situation. After that, they can voice up the problems that they are lining to the higher authority.In my opinion, this is even better than hiding the true emotion because the whole organisations can look into the problems deeply and try to come out with a solution. 3. Have you ever worked where emotions were utilize as part of a management style? Describe the advantages and disadvanta ges of this approach in your experience. Yes, in lay to finish the task given, emotions are always being used as part of a management style. For example, as a primary t individuallyer, he or she has to pretend to be angry when the students do not get word to the instructions even though the teacher may not be really losing the temper.Besides, as salesperson, they still have to put on their cheerful mask even though the customers will always criticise their products. It is ineluctable to use emotions as part of a management style. The advantages are the goals or objectives of the work can be done smoothly and without any obstacles. Besides, the emotions that used as a management style can sometimes create conflicts which are not necessary bad things. Employees can share their problems and opinions with each others. However, these conflicts have to be solved in a short time before they become more destructive.The disadvantages are by using this method acting is the employees emoti on fluctuates from time to time can create variation in job performance. Sometimes, they may not control their emotion very closely and thus affect their job. Moreover, the negatives and positives emotions can distract workers and then reduce their job performance. They are not too focusing on their jobs due to the reasons of facing emotional dilemma. 4. Research shows that acts of co-workers (37%) and management (22%) cause more negative emotions for employees than do acts of customers (7%).What can Lauras company do to change its emotional clime? Lauras company can try to arrange training and fundamental interaction programmes for their employees. Thus, the employees are able to interact with each others and learn to know the suitable ways to express their emotions. Communications among the co-workers are very important. The company must(prenominal) allow the criticism from the employees and the employees must take the initiatives to voice up their opinions without hiding thei r true feelings.One of the ways is by allowing the employees to write anonymous letter or notes to each other. They can express their positive and negative feelings to the other co-workers. However, the employees must use suitable sentences in the letter so that it does not healthy mean. The managers can also improve the employees moods by rewarding the employees for work well done. Positive individuals can also be selected to transmit positive moods to some other colleagues in an organisations just like what the text has mentioned.

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