Tuesday, March 26, 2019

A Forgettable Trip :: Free Essay Writer

The words on the sign that hung outside the bar gleamed scorch Jacks Bar. After I jumped off my five-speed mountain wheel and took off my helmet, I confidently walked up to the radiant building. I performed a last minute check of my appearance in an outside mirror. I slicked back my hair and tucked my tie-dye shirt inside of my rigid blue jeans. Looking so sexy, I was ready to accomplish my destruction for the darkness to be flirtatious, and secure a ladys call back number in hopes of aspireting a date.My eyeball surveyed the vicinity for overpowering women. At first, I did not see any desirable women however, my eyes were soon affixed upon a beautiful blonde-hair woman with long legs. I decided to approach her.I asked her, Are you tired?She responded in a soft voice, No. why do you ask?I indeed answered nonchalantly, Because you charter been running through my mind all night.She erupted into laughter. I couldnt understand why she had laughed at my pick-up line, which is a famous clich used to get dates. I decided that this lady wasnt for me. I was a diminished disappointed, but I didnt quit. I put more crude oil in my hair and was ready to proceed. I returned to my seat at the bar. I needed a drink to make me feel better so I ordered a scotch and water. Better hold the scotch. As the bartender handed me my drink, a young-looking brunette entered the bar. She walked in and sat eat next to me I had never seen such beauty before. I did vigour at first out of fear however, I remembered my objective for the night and prepared a speech.I slid over to her and said, Your feet must hurt.She retorted, No, not really. Why?Because you just fell from heaven, angel, I replied.The brunette departed immediately for slightly unknown reason. I was dumbfounded. On any other night, I would have had two women in my arms. I thought deeply about my precedent behavior. I decided that I would be myself and act normal some the next woman I saw. I decided to use this philosophical system instead of a tactic called loan sharking. This is the process of buying a woman a drink while demanding something in return. Many flock put on masks when meeting people just like I had done. People hide their true personality and make themselves less attractive.

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